The last days before Christmas are here, and another strange year has almost passed again. We had quite some VAT news and developments in 2021, and we are trying to summarize the highlights in our daily specials. If you haven’t read them yet, have a look at our website.
Or, if you are not working, and don’t feel like reading about VAT (which, of course, is something we cannot imagine, but ok…), try reading a book. For example the book ‘Bullshit Jobs: A Theory’, by anthropologist David Graeber. We mentioned before, that a VAT person is the most important person in a company. In this book you can read about all other important jobs in your company, and determine if they are really that important or not.
What this book explains is that technology has made our lives easier, but it could have been even more easier. In fact, the technological advance has made us spoiled and wishing for more, on one hand, and urged us to find some other ‘important stuff’ to do during the day, now that technology has automated our work and made it much more efficient. Of could have done so. We are trapped in bureaucracy and hierarchy and social pressure.
Do with this what you like. You don’t even have to agree with the conclusions (we don’t agree with all of it either), but it does help you to think about your job and your role. In your company, but also more than that. As VAT person, you deal with transactions, with operations , with relations. The VAT Return is just a stop in a journey. Before the VAT Return, you travel through your company: you have to know the activities and the people tat are making the VAT relevant decisions. And after the VAT Return, you continue the story with the tax authorities.
The VATupdate Team will be helping you on this journey. Today, tomorrow, next year and a long time after that. We hope you enjoy what we are preparing for you every day.
We wish you and all you loved ones a Merry Christmas, and even if you can’t be together, make sure that you keep in touch!
Enjoy this week’s overview of all our posts.
If you have any comments, questions or ideas that you want to share with us, please send us an email at [email protected] or leave a comment under the posts of this newsletter on LinkedIn.
To go to the specific region of your interest, follow the link below.
We’re looking forward seeing you again next week.
- E-Invoicing & Digital Reporting Global Updates (Update Dec 16, 2021)
- EY’s Trade watch – Issue 3/2021
- Fiscalization Essentials – progressive development of legal regulations for the use of electronic recording systems
- Recent worldwide VAT/GST RATE developments
- VAT invoices
- Looking back @2021 #13: Activities of the VAT Expert Group
- Looking back @2021 #14: ECJ cases decided in 2021 on ”Exemptions”
- Looking back @2021 #15: Pre-Filled VAT returns
- Looking back @2021 #16: SAF-T (or equivalent) regulations, some more countries will implement
- Looking back @2021 #17: Environmental Tax – Will Plastic Tax stop pollution?
- Looking back @2021 #18: VAT Grouping, a tool to avoid VAT leakage, optimize VAT receivables and simplify processes
- Looking back @2021 #19: EU VAT Committee met twice and a proposal to transform it into comitology committee was discussed
- Sovos Webinar: Navigating Mexico’s Latest Mandate Changes (Dec 15, 2021)
- Webinar SNI: Turkey’s e-Compliance Regulation Updates for 2022 (Dec 15, 2021)
- Event: VAT Seminar Less Grey on 23 January 2022
- Medicine, active substances in its production, serums, vaccines, and blood and its derivatives, will be VAT free
- Parliament approves in principle the VAT amendments
- Budget 2022 – Value Added Tax Registration Threshold Not Applicable to Petroleum Companies
- Like Facebook, Zoom to Start Charging 7.5% VAT From Nigerian Users
- Regulatory Update: Goods And Services Exempt From VAT In Nigeria
- Canada delays marketplace GST/PST reporting obligations
- Manitoba RST will no longer apply to Personal Services
- New “sweetened beverage tax” enacted (Newfoundland and Labrador)
- Provincial Sales Tax (PST) in Manitoba – Explained
- Canada’s Minister of Finance tables Digital Services Tax
- Alaska Provides Guidance on Sales Tax for Remote Sales
- Alaska’s Capital City Partially Repeals Local Sales Tax Exemption for Cruise Ship Transactions
- Digital advertising sales tax: changing legislation
- Florida: marketplace providers and taxpayers required to collect sales tax on remote sales and to file returns electronically
- Texas Determines the Sales and Use Tax Treatment of a Mobile Ordering Application Platform
- What you need to know: sales tax changes in 2021
- Australia Tax Agency Explains GST on Health Products, Health-Related Services
- UK and Australia sign world-class trade deal
- E-Invoicing advanced version piloted in Shanghai, Guangdong, and Inner Mongolia
- VAT Exemption on Bond Interest for Foreign Institutional Investors
- ‘Supply of Transfer of Going concern Service’ is exempt from GST
- A2ZTaxCorp’s Weekly GST Communique dated December 13, 2021
- Auto-Population Of E-Invoice Details In GSTR-1
- Confusion surfaces over GST rate on cheese balls
- Document Identification Number (DIN) in GST
- Everything you ought to know about e-SANCHIT
- Govt Reduces Compliance Burden For GST Taxpayers: Details Here
- Govt to go slow on GST rate rationalisation exercise
- GST Council likely to meet early Jan, may discuss rate rationalisation
- GST payable on Electricity Charges and Water Charges as per meter reading and collected from Recipients at Actual on Reimbursement basis
- GST Portal Login Guide
- GST Updates – Dec 15, 2021 – 21 Things to Know about GST, …
- IGST on ocean freight can’t be imposed on importers, companies tell SC
- Mandatory GST registration discourages small businesses to go online
- MP urges Union minister to withdraw GST on Sungudi sari
- No GST exemption on sub-leasing of ‘Industrial Development Corporation land’ by SPV developer to its members
- Tax Break on Ethanol: Govt reduces GST from 18% to 5%
- Track ARN Status – Check GST Registration
- Type of Taxable Person under GST
- UBER moves Delhi High Court challenging GST on Auto Rickshaws Services booked through E-Commerce platform
- Indirect Taxes in 2021 and Beyond: Part 1—New Zealand in Review
- Indirect Taxes in 2021 and Beyond: Part 2—Global Trends
- New Zealand content creators’ GST tax obligations
- Tax on content creators including gig economy
- Govt to slap 17% GST on 140 goods
- New single GST portal: Telecom and courier companies to be main beneficiaries
- Bahrain Increasing VAT Rate to 10% from 2022
- Bahrain Shura Council approves doubling VAT
- VAT rate to increase to 10% in 2022
- Forecasters see Saudi inflation in 2020 below 2%, given no change in VAT
- Saudi Arabia to review increase VAT rate – eventually
- Saudi Arabia will review VAT when fiscal position improves, minister pledges
- Federal Tax Authority issues input VAT recovery guidance for mobile phone packages provided to employees for business use
- New VAT Fines and Penalties in UAE
- Agenda of the ECJ VAT cases – Next 2 cases will be dealt with on January 13, 2022
- C‑154/20 Kemwater ProChemie s. r. o. effect on the VAT deduction in the Czech Republic
- ECJ C-615/21 (Napfeny Toll) – Questions – Unreasonably long duration of the tax procedure for assessing the substantive conditions of the right to deduct…
- ECJ Customs C-640/21 (Six Zollner Electronic) – Interpretation of Article 173 of the UCC customs declaration amendment procedure
- ECJ: Deduction of input VAT only after supplier’s status as taxable person has been verified
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-166/05 (Heger) – The transfer of a fishing right in the form of a fishing license is a service relating to immovable property
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-169/12 (TNT Express Worldwide (Poland)) – VAT liability for transport and shipping services
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-436/10 (BLM) – Private use of immovable property is not exempted
- Roadtrip through ECJ Cases – Focus on ”Exemption – The ”leasing or letting of immovable property” (Art. 135(1)(l))
- Council Implementing Decision allowing Italy to apply mandatory B2B E-Invoicing till Dec 2024 published
- EU consumers to benefit from reduced VAT rates on bikes and e-bikes
- EU VAT Rate Database made available by the European Commission
- European Commission plans a revision of the EU VAT E-Commerce package in 2022
- How Union One Stop Shop Impacts Other Declarations
- Internet consultation Payment Service Providers Directive Implementation Act
- INTRASTAT updates for 2022
- More VAT rates in the EU: Less distortion of competition?
- New rules for VAT rates lead to choice stress and increasing complexity
- Reform of (reduced) VAT rates from 2025 – 12 percent on everything?
- VAT Expert Group meeting #30 on Nov 29, 2021: Discussion on Platform Economy, ECJ VEGA International
- VAT rate proposal also includes changes to place of supply rules for electronic services
- VAT Remittance: The last piece of the puzzle to a full VAT Compliance life cycle
- What are green taxes?
- Administrative Supreme Court on the deduction of input VAT in cases of acquiring rented real property
- Austrian Administrative Supreme Court on the deduction of input VAT in cases of acquiring rented real property
- Belgian annual VAT prepayments abolished starting 2021
- The (witch) hunt for the VAT fixed establishment
- Budget 2022: Adjustment of VAT rates, especially for products or services related to public health and the green and digital transition
- Budget 2022: Introduction of a carbon tax with a gradual increase of taxes on fossil fuels
- Temporary reduction of VAT rate for certain supplies of electricity
- Coordination committees’ contributions
- Rules for applying VAT on tourist services
- The administrative fee waiver related to the official requests
- VAT guidance regarding electricity and gas, and for tour operators
- Amendments on the VAT Act will enter into force 1 July 2022
- Estonia considers VAT cut on domestic power as prices soar
- France implements automatic reverse charge for import VAT as of 1 January 2022
- France VAT Reverse Change on Imports Automatic and Mandatory from 2022
- From January 1, 2022, reverse charge on import VAT becomes mandatory and automatic
- VAT correction in France
- VAT rate and Christmas basket
- Administrative circular on the simplification rule for supplies via (consignment) stocks
- Covid-19: German Federal Ministry of Finance extends existing simplification measures on VAT treatment of donations
- Self-employed teachers providing services for schools as freelancers are not VAT exempt
- VAT exemption of export transport services as from 1 January 2022
- VAT rate for digital media according to § 12 paragraph 2 number 14 sales tax law (UStG)
- VAT Talks – Roland Ismer
- Hungary has taken steps for the introduction of Standard Audit File (SAF-T) to be done in 2022
- Hungary Increases Retail Sales Tax Rate
- A full service agency constitutes a Fixed Establishment
- Coalition agreement: Introduction sugar tax, 0% VAT on fruit and vegetables, energy taxes
- Demolition work with a view to building the land
- Don’t forget the VAT corrections in the last period 2021
- Dutch VAT despite setup with Swiss AG
- Dwelling belongs to company assets: VAT on private use
- EU VAT e-commerce program implements an IT facility for the implementation of the EU VAT e-commerce rules
- Investigation into multi-million dollar VAT fraud
- Letter to parliament with response to BIT advice EU VAT e-commerce
- Many starters miss out on VAT deduction for start-up costs
- No right to deduct input VAT due to missing invoices
- Property belongs to company assets vof: VAT for private use is justified
- Prudential calculation can not be used to determine actual use?
- Standard VAT rate (21%) for granting access to a men-only sauna
- VAT news 37-2021: End-of-year tips VAT 2021
- Five key questions about e-VAT returns in Norway
- Questions about the sale of operating services between a participant in an internal company and the principal are taxable sales according to the VAT Act
- The question of whether a waste terminal is a capital good – The Value Added Tax Act § 9-1 (2) letter b
- VAT rates for 2022
- 0% VAT on natural gas, electricity and heat
- 5 (actually 7) major VAT Developments in Poland
- Banks can block current company accounts, instead of VAT accounts
- Christmas gifts for customers may affect the VAT settlement
- Establishing a limitation period, after which the taxpayer can no longer benefit from the bad debt relief, is not contrary to EU law
- EU institutions will recover VAT paid in Poland
- Extension of the 0% rate for the import of goods purchased for the purpose of combating COVID-19
- Lower VAT on fuels. Letter from Minister Kościński addressed to the European Commission
- Poland appeals for zero-rated food VAT on inflation worries
- Poland requests EC permission to lower VAT on fuels
- Poland’s E-Invoicing Reform: Overview of KSeF System
- Preliminary question: Does the apparent legal transaction under civil law always deprive you of the right to deduct VAT?
- Shops that sell under Tax Free must replace the cash registers
- TAX free system for travelers in Poland from 2022
- The entrepreneur must settle the excise duty on electricity from solar panels
- Tomasz Michalik: Poland will be able to decide on VAT rates on its own
- Romania Extends Reduced VAT Rate to E-Books
- Romania to lift cap for 5% preferential VAT rate on residential properties
- Obligation To Report Bank Accounts For VAT Registered Companies
- Slovakian VAT Act amendment: bank account information of taxpayers, optional Split payment, VAT refund requirements, …
- 5 Major Developments in Spain
- Extension super-reduced rate 4% surgical masks to 30 June 2022
- Single-use plastic tax delayed up to year 2023
- Clarification: The turnover threshold for distance selling cannot be applied in parallel with the Union scheme
- Clarification: When calculating whether the threshold value has been exceeded for intra-Union distance selling, any distance selling from other EU countries…
- Extent of tax exemption: Purchases and imports made by EU bodies to manage covid-19
- Position: Export of goods when the buyer is responsible for transport out of the EU
- As of January 1, 2022, the flat rate for the taxation of private use of business vehicles will be increased from 0.8% to 0.9%
- Companies applying the net tax rate method or the flat rate tax rate method need to declare services from companies domiciled abroad
- How to draw up a tax invoice by a VAT payer when receiving services from a non-resident in the customs territory of Ukraine
- Introduction of VAT on electronic services
- Is land sublease subject to VAT?
- The concept of “risk payer”: the nuances of status and behavior
- The supplier writes off the debt for unpaid goods / services: what are the consequences of VAT?
- When is a person subject to mandatory registration as a VAT payer?
- 5 Major VAT Developments in the United Kingdom
- A fact could not be remade by FTT and VAT penalty due
- A guide to completing your OSS VAT Return when selling from Northern Ireland
- Alternative Evidence
- Finance Act 2021, Part 2 etc. (Plastic Packaging Tax) (Appointed Day) Regulations 2021
- HMRC Guidance: Delaying declarations for goods brought into Great Britain
- HMRC Guidance: Request Management Support System data on imports and exports
- HMRC internal manual: VAT Construction
- HMRC Policy paper: Goods leaving Great Britain from 1 January 2022 at ports using GVMS (CIP 2)
- HMRC Policy paper: The Border Operating Model – A guide to how the border works with the European Union
- How to request and buy Management Support System data from HMRC
- New email address for the VAT53 form used by agents of VAT groups
- Official Statistics: Value Added Tax (VAT) annual statistics
- Open consultation – Call for evidence – Modernising tax debt collection from non-paying businesses
- Open consultation – Call for Evidence – umbrella company market
- Plastic Packaging Tax – Are you ready?
- Prepare now or face plastic tax meltdown
- Scottish Landfill Tax – further clarity and certainty: consultation
- The changing indirect tax landscape. VAT, customs and other indirect taxes updates for 2022
- Time running out for businesses as UK full border controls deadline nears
- Trading with the EU from 1 January 2022
- UK and Australia sign world-class trade deal
- UK VAT receipts sink £28 billion due to COVID-19
- UK/NI – Intrastat reporting thresholds and obligations as from 1 of January 2022
- VAT Flat Rate: Not so simple simplification