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Looking back @2021 #18: VAT Grouping, a tool to avoid VAT leakage, optimize VAT receivables and simplify processes

Article in the EU VAT Directive 2006/112/EC

Article 11 of the EU VAT Directive gives the EU Member States the option to implement a VAT group.

Article 11
After consulting the advisory committee on value added tax (hereafter, the “VAT Committee”), each Member State may regard as a single taxable person any persons established in the territory of that Member State who, while legally independent, are closely bound to one another by financial, economic and organisational links. A Member State exercising the option provided for in the first paragraph, may adopt any measures needed to prevent tax evasion or avoidance through the use of this provision.

Developments as of 2022

ECJ Cases

Outside the EU 

Interesting newsitems published in 2021


Check also the previous articles on ”Looking back @2021”

  1. Brexit
  2. E-Commerce VAT Directive launched in the EU per July 1, 2021
  3. Next to the EU, 14 countries implemented VAT on E-Commerce, another 7 will implement in 2022
  4. Saudi-Arabia is the first country in the Middle East launching E-Invoicing, UAE may follow
  5. The concept of Fixed Establishments remains a major risk, and even why?
  6. Intrastat: Major updates applicable as of Jan 1, 2022
  7. Implementation/changes E-Invoicing & Real Time Reporting during 2021
  8. ECJ cases decided in 2021 on ”Taxable Amount”
  9. Increased focus on Fighting Climate Change – Carbon tax

  10. 49 ECJ VAT Cases decided (incl. orders) in 2021
  11. Split Payments
  12. Poland and France to introduce optional taxation of Financial Services – Exemption may not longer be applied
  13. Activities of the VAT Expert Group
  14. ECJ cases decided in 2021 on ”Exemptions”
  15. Pre-Filled VAT returns
  16. SAF-T (or equivalent) regulations, some more countries will implement
  17. Environmental Tax – Will Plastic Tax stop pollution?


VAT news


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