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Looking back @2021 #9: Increased focus on Fighting Climate Change – Carbon tax

What is Carbon Tax?

Under a carbon tax, the government sets a price that emitters must pay for each ton of greenhouse gas emissions they emit. Businesses and consumers will take steps, such as switching fuels or adopting new technologies, to reduce their emissions to avoid paying the tax.

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Middle East/Africa

Check also the previous articles on ”Looking back @2021”

  1. Brexit
  2. E-Commerce VAT Directive launched in the EU per July 1, 2021
  3. Next to the EU, 14 countries implemented VAT on E-Commerce, another 7 will implement in 2022
  4. Saudi-Arabia is the first country in the Middle East launching E-Invoicing, UAE may follow
  5. The concept of Fixed Establishments remains a major risk, and even why?
  6. Intrastat: Major updates applicable as of Jan 1, 2022
  7. Implementation/changes E-Invoicing & Real Time Reporting during 2021
  8. ECJ cases decided in 2021 on ”Taxable Amount”


VAT news
