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Looking back @2021 #5: The concept of Fixed Establishments remains a major risk, and even why?

Also in 2021, the concept of Fixed Establishment remains a poorly explained concept and consequently causes a major risk for businesses. The impact of having a Fixed Establishment for businesses having the full right to deduct VAT is a roundtrip of cash (cash flow impact) and may eventually create an argument for claiming a Permanent Establishment for Direct Tax purposes.

Hightlights in 2021

  • The European Court of Justice (ECJ) issued its decision in the case C-931/19 (Titanium). The ECJ decided that the rental out of building does not conctitute a Fixed Establishment if the non-established entity renting out the building does not have its own human and technical resources.
  • Another ECJ case C-812/19 (Danske Bank) is about the impact of a Fixed Establishment. A Head Office part of VAT group & its Branch are separate taxable persons for VAT purposes.
  • A decision is expected in 2022 in the case C-333/20 (Berlin Chemie A. Menarini SRL). The question in this case is whether an ”affiliate” leads to a Fixed establishment.
  • A Romanian court decided to ask a question to the ECJ whether a Toll Manufacturer constitutes a Fixed Establishment for VAT purposes. We understand that the question is under preparation by the Romanian authorities, and as such has not yet been passed to the ECJ.
  • The EU VAT Expert Group has presented the issue on Fixed Establishment to the European Commission, with many examples on the different interpretation in the different EU countries.
  • The EU Member States still give their own interpretation to the concept of Fixed Establishment, creating even more uncertainty for businesses. Poland, Italy and Spain remain the countries being very active. At the other side, the Netherlands issued a Decree on the concept of Fixed Establishment.
  • The issue is also referred to outside Europe .. in Saudi-Arbia, India, United States, …

As a reminder …. Overview of all ECJ cases on ‘’Fixed Establishments’’


ECJ Case C-931/19 decided in 2021


ECJ Case decided on Transactions between Head Office and Branch (C-812/19 – Danske Bank)


ECJ Pending Case

ECJ: Romanian case expected to be submitted to ECJ soon related to toll manufacturing structures

References to the ECJ Titanium Case

VAT Expert Group/EU VAT Committee/EU Policy














Saudi Arabia



United States

Articles/Master thesis

Link to Permanent Establishment for Direct Tax purposes

Check also the previous articles on ”Looking back @2021”

  1. Brexit
  2. E-Commerce VAT Directive launched in the EU per July 1, 2021
  3. Next to the EU, 14 countries implemented VAT on E-Commerce, another 7 will implement in 2022
  4. Saudi-Arabia is the first country in the Middle East launching E-Invoicing, UAE may follow


VAT news
