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More than 400,000 taxable persons registered for VAT

For the first time in the history of VAT, statistics record this maximum value. Exactly 400,775 companies are registered in the register of VAT taxable persons at the end of October 2021. This corresponds to an increase of more than 34,000 taxable companies compared to 2015, when there were more than 366,000 taxable companies, or about 10% more.

In addition, the AFC receives 91.6% of VAT statements in electronic form. More than a quarter of these are due to the “easy VAT statement” introduced this year. Finally, almost 100% of registrations as a taxable person are now carried out digitally.

The investments made so far in the field of digitization are clearly reflected in the statistics. The new record value clearly underlines the importance of the path chosen by the AFC in the field of digitization, so that the core business can also be managed successfully in the future.



VAT news

