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Hungary delays eVAT pre-filled returns again into 2022

According to Izer Norber, the Secretary of State for Taxation in the Hungarian Ministry of Finance, the current legislative requirements on the e-VAT system will be suspended and the draft VAT return will instead be rolled-out in several stages in order to ensure a smooth transition for taxpayers. Despite the postponement of NAV’s new e-VAT service, NAV still provides assistance in preparing VAT returns, as the online cash register and online invoice data can still be downloaded.

The extra time provided should allow NAV to provide a significantly more comprehensive draft VAT return service than originally planned. According to the current proposal, NAV will in addition to preparing the draft return, include additional services in the VAT system that can also support business processes e.g. strengthening machine-to-machine communication and downloading of data from the tax office, and the ability to query the log file of online cash registers.



VAT news
