The newest Peppol Authority, Japan’s Digital Agency, was established on 1 September 2021, and has since 14 September 2021 officially obtained Authority status. Japan became the seventeenth Peppol Authority and the fourth outside of Europe. The Digital Agency contributes to reforming the administration culture in a user-driven manner through digitalisation.
Previously, Japanese ministries and agencies governed their regulatory requirements and applicable systems individually, which has created a variety of their own area-specific solutions. This made it challenging for government employees to learn the systems of other ministries or agencies, or even the systems of another division in their own organisation.
The plans of the Digital Agency are to alter the status quo. They intend to intervene with a digital axis across all institutions, which will aim to provide services that are driven not only towards ministries, agencies, laws, or systems, but also towards users, together with an improved user-experience.
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