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Philippines Extends VAT Refund Application Deadline

The Philippines Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has published Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 101-2021 of 17 September 2021, which extends the deadline for the filing of VAT refund requests. In particular, RMC No. 101-2021 provides that due to the temporary closure of the VAT Credit Audit Division (VCAD) until 3 October 2021 in compliance with protocols for mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline for filing VAT refund requests is extended to 15 October 2021 where the standard two-year limit expires on 30 September 2021. RMC No. 101-2021 also provides that the 90-day processing period for VAT refund claims is suspended during the temporary closure of VCAD.

Source Orbitax

