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Qualified signature using the SHA-1 algorithm only until the end of 2021

  • JPK, CUK and ALK files signed with a qualified signature using the SHA-1 algorithm will be allowed to be submitted through the JPK Gateway only until the end of 2021.
  • After January 1, 2022, it will be possible to send a file signed with a qualified signature using the SHA-256 algorithm through the JPK Gate.
  • The rules for sending files signed with a trusted profile or authorization data remain unchanged.

Changing the SHA-1 algorithm to SHA-256 does not require updating the qualified signature itself.

Please update the signing software or reconfigure it (e.g. change the signature parameters of the hash function from SHA-1 to SHA-256) by the end of 2021.

The withdrawal of the SHA-1 algorithm from the file sending environment is aimed at increasing user safety.

The rules for sending files signed with a trusted profile or authorization data remain unchanged.



VAT news


  • Zampa (AD)