Normally, July and August are the months that many people are out of the office. Enjoying time off, at home or on vacation, with friends and family. Doing things, you would normally not do, or doing nothing at all. Why not? You’ve earned it!
But where the summer is often a time that you can spend some time on cleaning up your desk, getting some work done, and not be bothered too much by customers, suppliers or colleagues, the summer of 2021 was a bit like 2020: many people still working from home, and due to Covid-19 measures, not visiting of festivals, museums or events, and many countries that still have additional restrictions.
But there were also differences. As of 1 July 2021, the new e-commerce rules in the EU came into force. Which means that sellers, customs authorities, brokers, logistics service providers, VAT intermediaries and tax authorities all had to get ready and deal with iOSS registrations, numbers and VAT Declarations. I would be interested in your experience with that. Feel free to send your comment to [email protected]
The VATupdate Team has also enjoyed the summer. By preparing overviews of older ECJ cases (the Flashbacks and the Roadtrips), and by continuing updating the VAT rates of countries around the world. The ECJ is expected to pick-up the pace again as of next week (with 4 judgments and 2 opinions expected in the coming weeks), and governments around the globe are still doing their best to implement new e-invoicing and VAT compliance rules and requirements.
We also see that there are still quite some job opportunities out there for people that are interested in indirect tax. If you are looking for someone, and it’s not yet on our site, please let us know, and we make sure that VAT enthusiasts from around the world will see your message.
Have a great week!
- Countries requiring that a transaction between seller and buyer is issued in a verifiable manner with mandatory or optional use of QR code
- E-Invoicing & Digital Reporting Global Updates
- E-Invoicing Developments in August 2021 – This is THE overview
- IPO Watch: Israeli tech company Way2VAT coming to the ASX next month
- New WTO handbook sheds light on the Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement
- News on Global VAT rate changes in August 2021
- Pre-Filled VAT Returns: The Current Landscape
- Job opportunities in Belgium, Brazil, Europe, Hungary, The Netherlands, Sweden, UK and USA
- Job opportunities in Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom and United States
- Job opportunities in Hungary, Romania and Sweden
- Sovos Webinar: Simplify EU VAT with IOSS – Unlock the EU E-Commerce Market (Sept 22)
- Sovos Webinar: VAT Snapshot: the past, present and future of Continuous Transaction Controls (Sept 15)
- Webinar SNI: Are you ready to discover Mandatory SAF-T D406 in Romania? (Sept 8)
- FHC Rules on the Constitutionality of the VAT Act and Taxes and Levies (Approved List for Collection) Act
- FIRS to Lagos: We’ll continue to collect VAT until appeal court decides on legal dispute
- Taxpayers can’t disregard rivers VAT Law, SANs tell FIRS
- Validity of the VAT act … ????
- VAT Act ruling has legal precedent, says CITN
- VAT War: Pyrrhic victory for States
- VAT, other taxes outside jurisdiction of federal government (Federal High Court)
- Canadian Excise Duties on Fuel Bills and How to Claim Them
- GST/HST & Agent Disbursements: Canadian Tax Lawyer’s Guide
- New Canadian GST/HST filing requirement for non-residents that provide services to Canadians
- O’Toole’s GST holiday is the Christmas present our economy needs
- How the digital services tax will impact the technology sector
- Peloton hit with class-action lawsuit claiming it improperly charged sales tax
- S. request for comments, extension of exclusions of medical product imported from China (COVID-19)
- US launched e-Invoicing market pilot
- USTR Holds Discussions with Turkey Including on Removal of Digital Services Tax
- GST and junket tour gambling supplies: Commissioner wins appeal
- Proposed reporting requirements for the sharing economy
- 18% GST payable on other services not naturally bundled with Construction services
- 45th GST Council meeting scheduled for Sep 17
- 7 Consequences of not filling GSTR 3B
- A Synopsis of Key Recent developments under GST
- A2ZTaxCorp’s Weekly GST Communique dated August 30, 2021
- Advisory on HSN and GSTR-1 Filing
- Amount received as Reimbursement/Discount/Rebate from Principal Company to be taxable under GST
- Applicability of GST on Sale of developed Plots (where developer is owner of Land) Before completion Certificate
- CBIC enables Payment of Customs Duty on ECCS Courier Imports through its E-Payment Gateway
- CBIC extends 3 due dates under GST on 29th August 2021
- Charges other than construction services will attract 18% GST: Maharashtra AAR
- Comprehensive Review of GST Laws: A much needed shot in the arm
- Deadline for late fee amnesty under GST extended
- Goa govt unlikely to reduce VAT on aviation fuel
- Goa Govt. issues Clarification on Extension of Limitation under GST Law in terms of Supreme Court’s Order
- Govt says open to ‘tinkering’ GST rates on automobiles
- extends Customs Duty and Health Cess Exemption on Import of Covid Relief Items
- GST Amnesty Scheme Extended!!!
- GST applicable on reimbursement of discount/rebate by supplier to distributor
- GST Compliance Calendar for the month of September 2021
- GST Exempted on Hostel Rent of less than Rs. 1000 per day per Student: AAR
- GST Implications of Loyalty Schemes
- GST Portal now accepting Application for Revocation of Cancelled GST Registration
- GSTN notifies Restriction on Filing of GSTR-1 or IFF for default in filing of GSTR-3B
- GSTR-3B Late fee amnesty scheme extended till 30.11.2021
- High Court of Delhi ruled that the implementation of GST came was force majeure event
- Hiring of Non-AC Buses to Company for Transport of Staff is taxable under “Rent-a-cab” Service
- Implementation of Rule-59(6) on the GST Portal
- Inadequacy of GSTR 2A as a ‘Communication’
- Interplay between IGST on imported goods under the Customs Tariff Act and customs duties at the time of home clearance vis-à-vis sale of…
- Issues of Mismatches in GST Returns : Framework & Approach
- ITC Invoice matching under GST – Mis-match case for Taxpayers
- Journey from MEIS to RoDTEP – Exclusion of Major Exports
- Karnataka Govt. extends Time Limit for Completion of Assessments, Reassessments or Rectification to avail benefits under Karasamadhana…
- Key Actionable Items for FY 2020-21 before September 2021 returns
- Multinationals using franchisee model may face higher GST on royalty income
- Now non-filing of GSTR-3B for two months restricts filing of GSTR-1/IFF
- Option of 18% GST with ITC or 7.5% GST without ITC exercised in respect of ongoing residential project is applicable for all units in entire project: AAR
- Reconciliation of ITC with GSTR-2A for 2017-18 & 2018-19 – mandatory?
- Refund of Customs duty by amendment of Bill of Entry
- Relief of Transitional Credit allowed on ground of technical glitch in GSTN
- Representation on GST Questionnaire/Queries of Absurdness
- Restriction on filing of GSTR-1/IFF for default in filing of GSTR-3B
- RoDTEP Scheme- Exporters In India to Note
- RoDTEP: Is it Old wine in a new bottle?
- Sale of Capital Goods under GST
- Tax Compliance & Statutory due dates for the month of September, 2021
- Technical glitches on GST Portal – HC allows filing of GST TRAN-1
- The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs ( CBIC ) has clarified that, Notification on Filing of Application for Revocation of Cancellation of…
- The Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industry has asked the government to reduce the tax on aviation turbine fuel
- Time Limit for Refund Application under GST
- Will ailing India’s Auto Sector finally get A GST Rate Reduction?
- Considerations for the return of GST
- High Court decision allowing refund of input tax credit as refund of GST overpaid or erroneously paid
- Malaysia extends SST deadlines for the May to June 2021 quarter due to COVID-19
- SST Technical Updates
- Updated Service Tax Guide on Management Services
- GST Guide on Insurance: Cash Payments and Input Tax on Motor Car Expenses
- Singapore Publishes Updated GST Guide on Insurance: Cash Payments and Input Tax on Motor Car Expenses
- Korea Takes Steps to Avoid Tax Evasion – New requirement to keep and submit transaction details for foreign companies supplying electronic services
- South Korean tax revision bill includes incentives to spur economy
- VAT Rates in South Korea
- E-service tax law comes into force
- Non-resident electronic service providers with an income above 1.8 million THB subjected to VAT from 1 September 2021
- Reduction of VAT; extended tax deadlines and waiver or reduction of penalties (COVID-19)
- Tax returns deadline and VAT rate 7% extended
- Thailand to start collecting tax from foreign tech firms
- EPRS Report: ”The VAT Gap, Reduced VAT Rates and their Impact on Compliance Costs for Businesses and Consumers”
- The microdata exchange – Changes for Intrastat as of 2022 – Two new data elements
- Agenda of the ECJ VAT cases – 4 decisions, 2 AG Opinions on Sept 9 and 16
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-117/11 (Purple Parking and Airparks Services) – Parking service combined with passenger transport from car…
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-120/15 (Kovozber) – Default interest on delayed refund of VAT excess deduction
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-174/11 (Zimmermann) – VAT exemption of ambulatory care services provided by commercial providers, is…
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-183/13 (Banco Mais)- Application of a “use-based” partial exemption method to a bank’s leasing transactions…
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-211/16 (Bimotor) – National regulation may limit the offsetting of certain tax debts with VAT credits to a specified…
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-254/16 (Glencore Grain Hungary) – Breach of EU law by extending the VAT refund period if a fine has been…
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-28/16 (MVM) – Also VAT deduction limitation for ”active” company that holds participations
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-298/16 (Ispas) – Individuals must have access to information used for the imposition of a VAT assessment
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-305/16 (Avon Cosmetics) – Sales through intermediaries not subject to VAT (Direct selling models)
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-340/15 (Nigl and Others) – Partnerships marketing products under a common brand name and through a…
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-387/16 (Nidera) – Amount of interest normally payable under national law on overpaid VAT cannot be reduced
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-438/09 (Dankowski) – There is a Right to deduct VAT in case the invoice is issued by a non-registered business
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-589/12 (GMAC UK) – Reduction of the taxable amount. Two transactions concerning the same goods. Abuse of rights.
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – C-654/13 (Delphi Hungary Autóalkatrész Gyártó) – Interest due on amounts of VAT which were not recoverable…
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – Joined Cases C-618/11, C-637/11, C-659/11 (TVI – Televisão Independente SA) – Taxable amount of VAT on…
- New VAT questions to the ECJ by Romania, case C-519/21 (DGRFP Cluj)
- Roadtrip through ECJ Cases – Focus on ”Who is a Taxable person?”
- Roadtrip through ECJ Cases – Focus on Proportional VAT Deduction (Art. 173)
- Roadtrip through ECJ Cases – Refund or Carry-Over of VAT in case the amount of deductions exceeds the amount of VAT due(Art. 183)
- IOSS- EU’s Import One-Stop-Shop simplified for the Indian Seller
- The EU E-Commerce Package: Traps for the Unwary… and Opportunities for the Well Informed!
- Starting with the 2020 assessment, the Graz City Tax Office has changed its practice for filing a 2020 VAT return with only input VAT
- Tax trap with Value Added Tax assessment for non-registered entities
- Binding ruling: Transfer – property project – VAT liability
- National Tax Court confirms SKAT’s decision about the VAT exemption for insurance/intermediation
- Nickel allergy advice – VAT exemption
- Punishment – VAT fraud, case by Eastern High Court
- Facilitating the reporting obligations of foreign operators: two steps forward, one step back?
- Status of B2B Electronic Invoicing in France
- Federal Constitutional Court rules interest rate on tax payments unconstitutional
- Provision of operating equipment in the case of leasing: single supply or separate supplies?
- Questionnaire for VAT registration of foreign entrepreneurs
- Supervisory board members as taxable persons
- VAT payment in the case of “0% financing”
- Warranty commitments granted for remuneration as insurance transaction
- Fiscalization in Greece
- Reduction of the VAT rate for electronic books and publications to 6% July 1, 2021, except for those disallowed under the EU’s e-books…
- Submission of a special VAT return. by obligors included in the special regime of art. 47d of K.F.PA. (Import OSS) month of August
- Current developments in Hungary regarding VAT refunds on irrecoverable debts
- Online invoice reporting and self-billing
- Answer no. 529/2021 – Relevance for VAT purposes of price adjustments
- Clarification of the Revenue Agency regarding the sanctioning regime in the event of VAT incorrectly charged on the invoice – Resolution no….
- Collection, transport and disposal of construction and demolition waste subject to 22% VAT
- Input VAT refund via web portal
- Recovery of VAT on credits not collected in bankruptcy proceedings
- Refund of bank guarantee costs on VAT repayments
- Ruling 576: VAT treatment applicable to additional contributions paid to an association by associates
- Services provided by a NPO to local authorities
- Transfer pricing adjustments and VAT implications
- Transparent orthodontic devices
- VAT rate applicable to waste disposal/collection services
- Also one-time purchase yacht to sell at a profit under margin scheme
- Compensation for building school and village hall VATable, not a subsidy
- Design Build Finance Maintain and Operate (DBFMO) subject to VAT
- Tax authorities wrongly send VAT assessment
- The Netherlands replaces AGS with new customs declaration system
- The online portal for filing VAT returns will be migrated to a new platform as of 2022
- VAT deduction when renting out office to your own BV?
- ECJ will assess whether VAT is on the margin when reselling accommodation
- E-invoice accepted by the Council of Ministers (Aug 31, 2021)
- Formation of VAT groups possible as of 2022
- JPK_VAT with declaration – working version of the logical structure
- The psychologist does not have to buy a cash register from the moment of starting the activity
- VAT Group Treatment
- VAT Group treatment proposal is at the pre-consultation stage
- VAT grouping in Poland
- Cîțu does not take into account the elimination of VAT from energy bills this winter
- Register of taxable persons registered for VAT purposes according to art. 316 of the Fiscal Code
- SAF-T reporting becomes mandatory in Romania
- Changes regarding the return of goods procedure in stores and fiscalization
- New rules for receipt issuing systems at point of sale (fiscalization) in Serbia
- Biscay province (Spain) has deferred the implementation of BATUZ to 1 January 2024
- Ticket Bai Spain’s New Invoicing and Tax Compliance System
- E-audit and SAF-T UA: what can large taxpayers expect from these innovations?
- Error in Annex 1 to the “old” VAT return: can it be corrected?
- Features of VAT taxation of transactions for the supply of vouchers
- How is the tax base determined and the PN is drawn up in the case of free supply of goods?
- Is the supply of property rights to real estate subject to VAT?
- Returning improved leased property: what about VAT?
- Taxation of digital services in Ukraine as of Jan 1, 2022
- The buyer received bonuses: what about VAT?
- The provision of warranty repair services is subject to VAT
- Ukraine Clarifies VAT Treatment of Renting Out of Staff to Non-Residents
- Ukraine Reverts Reduced VAT Rate for Certain Agricultural Products
- VAT taxation of the supply of goods to the duty-free shop
- About VAT on Sales by Amazon
- HMRC Guidance: Complete your VAT Return to account for import VAT (Update Sept 1, 2021)
- Simplifying VAT land exemption – will HMRC’s review succeed?
- VAT is due on potato snacks, but maize and corn-based snacks are VAT free
- VAT Recovery on Cars and Expenses
- VAT repayment returns
- GCC Indirect Tax Digest – 31 August 2021
- GCC: E-Invoicing: Beyond VAT, what about Transfer Pricing?
- Tax news from the GCC – September 2021