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Mandatory E-Invoicing – Dates set for Pilot and Voluntary participation phase

The government of Paraguay has released General Resolution No. 95 to extend the number of taxpayers that need to issue electronic invoices under the SIFEN (Sp.: Sistema Integrado de Facturación Electrónica Nacional) regime.

The companies that took part in the pilot program and those allowed to implement e-invoicing voluntarily will have to join the SIFEN regime and start issuing e-invoices on a mandatory basis. The timeline is as follows:

  • 1 January 2022 for 14 companies that were part of the initial pilot (see the complete list);
  • 1 April 2022 for the remaining 246 companies (see the complete list).

As to the rest of the taxpayers, they will be able to join the e-invoicing regime on a voluntary basis, as long as they fulfil the requirements set by the Tax Administration SET.

Resolution einvoicing: unofficial translation



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