Preparations are underway in the Netherlands to implement a new customs declaration system that will replace the current Aangiftesysteem (AGS) and Automated Periodic Filing (GPA) processes.
The Dutch Customs Authority is introducing the Customs Declarations Management System (DMS) as a way to bring it in line with custom procedures in the rest of the EU.
Following the European Union Customs Code, the DMS will standardize procedures and be highly automated in order to handle real-time declarations.
Data catalogues for declarations will be found on the new system, where control statements will need to be inputted manually by the declaring party.
Any changes required as a result of an inspection must be included and goods will not be released until the revised declaration has been processed by the Customs Authority.
The migration to the new system is set to take place in the first half of 2022, in time for the deadline when the GPA process will be discontinued on December 31st 2022.
By January 1st 2023, authorization holders under the declarant’s administration procedure (IIAA) will be required to submit additional declarations.
This will be achieved through the Inventory Verification File, containing the information previously retrieved from the GPA.
The Netherlands is a major export hub within the EU and those intending to continue trading with the country need to be aware of the changes to the system.
Shifting from periodic reporting to real-time declarations that are in sync with the flow of logistics will be the biggest adjustment.
It has the potential to affect the entire supply chain, so needs to be implemented as seamlessly as possible.
Source MIC