Time for VAT again. Here’s another newsletter with all posts from VATupdate.com.
With the first 6 months of this year already behind us, it’s a good moment to reflect and look forward. The date of 1 July is also always a moment that many countries implement new VAT rules and rates.
We therefore made an overview of the current VAT rates, including links to the country-specific information. We started making these overview some time ago, and we are slowly covering all countries around the world. If you miss your own country of interest, please let us know, and we will start updating that asap. Of you can help us with that of course, by sending us the correct information.
With the arrival of the summer, we also notice that there are more job opportunities available. Business is picking up again, so more VAT people are needed. Or perhaps people find new challenges somewhere else, leaving their current role and position for another VAT enthusiast to fill-in. We try to keep you up to date with the opportunities we spot, but if you are looking for a candidate who’s interested in VAT, you can be sure to find him or her, visiting our website.
Due to the holidays, we saw a slight decrease in visitors in July, but we’re still around 100.000 visitors every month. Which is amazing, and we would really like to thank you for that. And we promise that we will continue providing you with the latest updates and overview on VAT.
In that regard, the autumn is always a period that many organisations and people are organising training sessions, roundtable meetings, events and seminars. With many countries reducing the COVID-19 measures, we see that more organisations and companies are trying to allow more face-to-face meetings as well. We will keep you updated on these events as well as much as possible. If you are organising any special event, meeting or training that you wish to highlight, please let us know.
Please contact us at [email protected] and let us know your news, feedback and ideas, or just say hello.
Have a great week!
- Job opportunities in Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and United Kingdom
- Job opportunities in India, The Netherlands, Poland and United Kingdom
- Job opportunities in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom
- The (In)direct (Tax) Fallout of COVID-19
- Shipment Logistics and E-Invoicing Compliance in Latin America
- Securitisation of future VAT income
- Global overview of future e-invoicing, e-filing and real time reporting – upcoming changes (status July 31, 2021)
- News on Global VAT rate changes announced in July 2021
- Securitisation of future VAT income
- Who is an employee for VAT Recovery?
- Can Blockchain Improve VAT Collection?- Part 2
- ECJ (non-VAT) C-362/21 (EKOPRINT) – Validity of an invoice if an electronic signature is determined not to be a qualified electronic…
- ECJ VAT Cases – Developments in July 2021
- Roadtrip through ECJ Cases – Focus on ”Place of supply of Goods – Distance Selling”
- ECJ Case C-368/21 (Hauptzollamt Hamburg) – Questions – Place of importation for VAT purposes of a means of transport…
- Flashback on ECJ Cases C-587/10 (VSTR) – VAT identification number not always required the exemptionof an Intra-EU…
- Why the EU’s VAT exemption on insurance and financial transactions may need revising
- VAT Gap has improved marginally in recent years, but figures for 2020 forecast a reversal of this trend
- EU VAT rules by topic
- What the Modernisation of Intrastat Means for Businesses
- Understanding the New Import One Stop Shop (IOSS)
- Compendium of Customs Valuations Texts
- New developments on the VAT exemption for fund management services
- Survey on EU Cooperative compliance programme
- European Commission releases proposal for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
- Why the EU’s VAT exemption on insurance and financial transactions may need revising
- EU Commission acts on states’ VAT rule breaking
- Brits abroad enjoy Brexit tax-free shopping boost – enjoy big savings on European VAT
- Should all input VAT be repaid immediately if a planned real estate project is abandoned?
- Information required to complete customs declaration: Commercial invoices for customs purposes
- Administrative essentials: Valid VAT invoices and commercial invoices (art. 226 of the EU VAT Directive)
- Intrastat Changes 2022: 2 additional fields to be added
- Missed the July 1 EU VAT reform deadline? Don’t worry, it’s not too late to register
- VAT on Webinars
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1218 of 26 July 2021 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 79/2012 as regards the…
- VAT Rates in the EU + CH + GB + NO
- VAT and Customs relief: Examination of returned goods relief
- Circular 2021/C/74 on the extension of the temporarily reduced VAT rate for mouth masks and hydroalcoholic gels in the context of the fight…
- Circular 2021/C/73 on the intra-Community movement of excise products from other Member States to Belgium
- VAT summer letter: the government is launching a package of far-reaching VAT changes
- Tighter guarantee rules for VAT registrations of foreign taxpayers
- Floods – VAT measures for reconstruction
- Circular 2021/C/72 on the VAT regime for cross-border e-commerce activities between businesses and consumers (B2C relationship)
- Circular provides guidance for VAT on e-commerce transactions
- VAT registration with a fiscal representative: new guarantee rules will create more burdens for foreign taxpayers
- VAT registration with a fiscal representative in Belgium: new guarantee rules will create more burdens for foreign taxpayers
- Cyprus Announces Updated XML Schema for DAC6 Reporting
- Cyprus Provides Further Details on Program for Outstanding Tax Debts as Extended for Taxpayers Impacted by COVID-19
- COVID-19: Extension of the deferral of VAT payments for periods ending on 31 Mar 2021, 30 Apr 2021 and 31 May 2021
- Registration Of Self-Service Accommodations
- Abolition of VAT exemption for imports of goods up to EUR 22
- Amendment to the VAT Act relating to e-commerce rules
- How to file a VAT refund claim in France
- New procedures for declaring import VAT as of January 1, 2022
- All businesses established outside the EU must present their French VAT refund claims electronically ad of July 1, 2021
- VAT: what are the upcoming changes?
- Federal Ministry of Finance on the taxation of supervisory board members
- Proposal to continue excluding input VAT deduction if private use exceeds 90%
- New taxes introduced on online poker and virtual slots affect gambling organizers
- Federal Fiscal Court rules standard VAT rate applies to composite theatrical event
- Greece to Extend Reduced VAT Rates for Sports Tickets (till June 30, 2022) and Defibrillators (Dec 31, 2022)
- Greece to Extend Reduced VAT Rates for Sports Tickets (till June 30, 2022) and Defibrillators (Dec 31, 2022)
- Additional VAT law changes aim to facilitate economic activity
- Important VAT law changes enacted
- Greece Proposes Extension of Reduced VAT Rate for Sports Tickets and Defibrillators
- Proposal to introduce a special measure regarding the person liable for payment of VAT in case of liquidation/insolvency
- Good news for those who opt for self-billing! Changes to online data reporting obligation for invoicing
- Delayed implementation date, tentative VAT returns prepared by tax authority
- UK signs trade deals with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein
- Ireland Updates Guidance on IOSS Registration and Reporting
- Ireland Reminds Taxpayers of Extended Debt Warehousing Scheme
- Guidelines for VAT Registration – Revenue eBrief No. 150/21 31 July 2021
- Google Passing on Cost of Digital Services Taxes in India and Italy
- The deduction of VAT paid on import by the transferee is allowed in the event of call-off stock
- Reduced VAT rate for supplements with therapeutic properties
- Virtual wallet and vouchers
- Deadline for VAT payments postponed till Sept 15, 2021 that expire from 30 June to 31 August 2021, without surcharge.
- A non-established supplier VAT registered in Italy wrongly applying VAT to an Italian established customer does not need to make any…
- Mandatory E-Invoicing between Italy and San Marino also applicable for non-established entities with Italian VAT number
- Cooperative Compliance Regime in Italy—Five Years After Its Introduction
- Import VAT: deductions with consignment stock contract
- State Tax Service Clarifies That VAT Must Be Adjusted for Advance Payments and Non-Delivery
- State Tax Service Clarifies VAT Regime for Transfer of Debt
- State Tax Service Clarifies VAT Reporting Requirements In Case Of Suspension of Business Activities
- Tax authorities were allowed to estimate turnover and profit of café due to serious defects in administration
- Place of intermediary service by a Dutch entrepreneur between a volleyball player and a foreign volleyball club outside the Netherlands
- Reduced VAT rate for cell and gene therapy products
- Reduced VAT rate for cell and gene therapy products
- New approval in decision on VAT levy regulators and committee members
- No actual subordination of cleaning company to hospital
- No entitlement to interest compensation in the event of incorrectly imposed VAT assessments
- No actual subordination of cleaning company to hospital
- Delivery of fourteen new-build apartments: one composite supply for VAT
- International scientific conference “VAT harmonisation in the European Union – present and future”
- Poland’s proposed tax reform includes significant changes to tax system
- New Polish SAF-T changes
- Polish Order – new tax requirements are getting closer
- VAT changes in e-commerce – check Q&A
- KAS and the Police broke up a criminal group that defrauded VAT and issued fictitious invoices
- Poland: Krajowy System e-Faktur moves to next phase of legislative process
- VAT changes in e-commerce – check Q&A
- Krajowy System e-Faktur moves to next phase of legislative process
- SAF-T files for July – December 2021
- Changes regarding VAT in e-commerce – check Q&A
- Recent VAT Developments in Poland … Can you follow?
- From 2022, financial services with VAT
- New deadline extensions for monthly and quarterly VAT Returns
- Portugal Provides Deadline Extensions for Monthly and Quarterly VAT Returns and Relaxed e-Invoice Requirements
- Deadlines extended for certain VAT returns, invoices in PDF format
- COVID-19: new postponement in the submission of periodic VAT returns and new extension of the deadline for recognition of invoices in PDF
- VAT Circular Letters Nos. 30238/2021, 30239/2021 and 30240/2021
- New VAT return (form 300) from July 2021
- SAF-T coming to Romania: All the crucial questions answered
- Mandatory SAF-T in Romania from 2022
- Russia Gazettes Law Providing VAT Refunds for Coronavirus Vaccine Manufacturers
- Manufacturers of COVID-19 Vaccine May Claim VAT Refunds
- Extension of Temporary Reduced VAT Rates for Certain Goods and Services till Sept 30, 2021
- Discounted VAT Rates in Some Service Sectors
- Tax invoice registration / adjustment calculation suspended
- Consulting and other services to a non-resident
- Services related to movable property in the customs territory of Ukraine
- Bonuses from the seller in connection with the achievement of certain volumes of supply of goods purchased
- Zelensky signs law to return 20% VAT rate for certain types of agricultural products
- Ukraine Increases Interest Rate Affecting Late Payment Penalty Interest
- VAT Rates in the EU + CH + GB + NO
- VAT and Customs relief: Examination of returned goods relief
- UK signs trade deals with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein
- Tariff preferences procedure between Peru and the United Kingdom is approved
- HMRC internal manual VAT: New Means of Transport Northern Ireland
- HMRC internal manual: VAT Construction
- Open consultation: Reporting rules for digital platforms – consultation
- HMRC Guidance: Insolvency (VAT Notice 700/56)
- Guernsey Publishes Options incl. VAT for Increasing Tax Revenue Considering Immediate and Long-Term Financial Pressures
- Knowledge and attitudes of online sellers in China to UK tax compliance
- Guidance: Insolvency (VAT Notice 700/56)
- When to Recover VAT?
- When do you have to register for VAT?
- When to recover VAT?
- Scots campaigners demand UK Government remove VAT from suncream to help save lives
- Check if an email you’ve received from HMRC is genuine
- Opting to tax land and buildings (VAT Notice 742A)
- Guidance: Funded pension schemes (VAT Notice 700/17)
- National Statistics Value Added Tax (VAT) Bulletin
- Tell HMRC about an option to tax land and buildings
- VAT best judgement assessments upheld by UT
- Form Tell HMRC about an option to tax land and buildings
- HMRC Guidance: Changes to notifying an option to tax land and buildings during coronavirus (COVID-19)
- HMRC Guidance: Opting to tax land and buildings (VAT Notice 742A)
- Form: Claim a VAT refund if you build new houses on a DIY basis
- Brexit- VAT And Customs Reflections Six Months On
- National Statistics – Value Added Tax (VAT) Bulletin
- MTD makes VAT compliance easier, if you use the right technology
- New builds without the correct planning permission, will not qualify for the zero rating
- Explaining VAT Exemptions
- When a supply in the financial services sector is not exempt from VAT: The Target Group case
- Gingerbread men: No tax is due if the figure has two chocolate spots for its eyes, but any chocolate-based additions, such as buttons or a belt, mean VAT…
- 2 months to go: Is your business ready for a new UK VAT rate?
- Scrap exemptions to simplify VAT rules, urges ICAEW
- Fraudster ordered to pay £37 million
- Capital Grants for Community Asset Purchases by Voluntary Bodies – VAT
- Could your long-standing EU-based VAT strategy be overturned by the UK courts?
- Scrap exemptions to simplify VAT rules, urges ICAEW
- Businesses still owe £Billions after VAT deferral
- Scanwell Logistics: onward supply relief not available for import agent – FTT
- Dollar Financial: date of joining VAT group cannot be amended – FTT
- UK VAT Rules for online sales January 1, 2021
- HMRC Guidance: VAT deferred due to coronavirus (COVID-19)
- A guide to VAT in Argentina
- Argentina among top 15 countries with most import barriers, says WTO report
- Florida: Guidance Issued on Conformity Legislation; Decoupling
- Virginia: Easy Return Labels and Logo Setup Fees Subject to Sales Tax
- How To Deduct State And Local Taxes Above SALT Cap
- Clothing retailer’s charges for easy return labels and for logo set-up fees were subject to sales and use tax (Virginia)
- Alabama Issues Simplified Sellers Use Tax and Marketplace Facilitators Guidance
- Washington State Sales Tax Exemptions
- Alabama Issues Simplified Sellers Use Tax and Marketplace Facilitators Guidance
- Iowa DOR Adopts Regulations Adding Computer Peripherals to Existing Sales Tax Exemption
- What the New E-988 Surcharge Means for Tax Compliance
- California Appellate Court Says Local County Sales Tax (Measure K) Is Valid
- How Accountants View the Impact of Wayfair Three Years Later
- 4 Retail Trends and Their Sales Tax Implications
- VAT for restaurant goes down
- Bangladesh to make digital payment mandatory for VAT returns
- Facebook deposits Tk 2.4cr VAT directly after registration
- Facebook seeks NBR permission to pay VAT thru e-pay systems
- China Provides VAT and Property Tax Relief for Residential Property Leasing
- China Abolishes Input VAT Refunding for Certain Iron and Steel Products
- China MOF Releases Preferential Tax Measures for Residential Leasing Companies
- Concept of Input Service Distributor and Cross Charge under GST
- GST Compliance Calendar for the month of August 2021
- A2ZTaxCorp’s Weekly GST Communique dated August 02, 2021
- LLPs not liable to pay Service Tax under Reverse Charge Mechanism: CESTAT
- CBIC latest notifications on GSTR 9 & 9C for FY 20-21
- Businesses can now self-certify GST annual returns, instead of mandatory audit by CA
- Businesses can now self-certify GST annual returns, instead of mandatory audit by CA
- Delhi assembly passes GST Amendment Bill
- Tertiary Treated water is purified water taxable @18%
- Redemption fine and penalty imposed by the Revenue Department without final assessment is not permissible
- 5% GST on Supply of MDEs and parts exclusively and directly to Shipyards or Indian Navy for use in manufacture of Ships, Vessels, Boats, Floating…
- Applicability of IGST levy on re-importation of repaired Aircrafts or its parts: SC admitted Dept. Appeal
- GSTN: Functionality to check status and update bank account details
- GSTN has enabled the functionality to show Annual Aggregate Turnover of previous financial years
- Interest on belated cash remittance under GST is compensatory and mandatory: Madras HC
- Issues of GST to be charged on Contribution amount paid to RWA’s or Housing Societies
- A critical analysis of CBIC clarification on SC’s extension of limitation period under GST laws
- Reimbursed discount or rebate subject to GST; maintenance fees received by housing cooperative subject to GST
- Centre not in favour of extending GST compensation period beyond 5 years
- Onshoring of investment funds – The GST conundrum
- One-to-one correlation between output service and input service not required for for claiming refund
- How To Download GST Certificate?
- Google Passing on Cost of Digital Services Taxes in India and Italy
- Sales tax and other indirect tax measures in provincial tax laws 2021
- Pakistan Tax Agency Issues Notification Amending Sales Tax Rates for Specific Petroleum Products
- BIR Regulations Issued Suspending 12% VAT Rate for Certain Supplies to Exporters and Certain Conditions for Proprietary Educational…
- DOF formally defers VAT on exporters’ local inputs
- IRAS e-Tax Guide GST: Guide on Exemption of Investment Precious Metals (IPM) (Fifteenth Edition)
- Singapore Publishes New GST Guides on Taxing Imported Low-Value Goods and Remote Services Through Overseas Vendor Registration Regime
- IRAS e-Tax Guide GST: Taxing imported low-value goods by way of the overseas vendor registration regime (First Edition)
- Tax News from the GCC – August 2021
- VAT Trends of the Gulf Cooperation Council
- VAT Trends of the Gulf Cooperation Council
- GCC Indirect Tax Digest – 4 August 2021
- Proposed 2021/22 budget: VAT registration and reporting requirements on non-Israeli digital service providers
- Israeli Government Approves Carbon Pricing to Address Climate Change
- Applying VAT registration and reporting requirements on non-Israeli digital service providers and sellers to the Israeli market
- Saudi Arabia issues e-invoicing guidelines: Are you ready for the deadline?
- ZAKAT issued Introductory Guide to E-invoicing
- Excise Tax obligations for Warehouse Keepers
- New Penalty Provisions in UAE Indirect Tax Laws: an Insight
- VAT registration in UAE – Conditions & requirements
- UAE Federal Tax Authority Publishes VAT Guide for the Automotive Sector
- UAE authorities issued Taxpayer Bulletin – June & July 2021
- Tax Authority Clarifies VAT Implications on Automotive Sector