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Norway 2022 Digital VAT Return: What Businesses Need to Know

Norway announced its intentions to introduce a new digital VAT return in late 2020, with an intended launch date of 1 January 2022. Since then, businesses have wondered what this change would mean for them and how IT teams would need to prepare systems to meet this new requirement. Norway has since provided ample guidance so businesses can begin preparations sooner rather than later.

With this new VAT return, the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) seeks to provide simplification in reporting, better administration, and improved compliance.

This new VAT return provides for an additional 11 boxes, increasing the count from 19 to 30 boxes which are based on existing SAF-T codes to allow for more detailed reporting and flexibility. It’s important to note that the obligation to submit a SAF-T file will not change with the introduction of this new VAT return.

This change is for the VAT return only – with the SAF-T codes being re-used and re-purposed to provide additional information. Businesses must still comply with the Norwegian SAF-T mandate where applicable and must also submit this new digital VAT return.

Source Sovos


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VAT news

