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Changes relating to the reduced VAT rate

The Storting’s decision of 15 December 2020 no. 2883 on value added tax for the budget year 2021 (Chapter 5521 item 70) room number II shall read: 

From 1 October 2021, the following change will be made: 

§ 4 shall read:

§ 4. Reduced rate by 12 per cent.

VAT is answered with 12 per cent of sales and withdrawals of services that apply to:

a) passenger transport, etc. as mentioned in the Value Added Tax Act § 5-3 ,
b) transport of vehicles on vessels as mentioned in the Value Added Tax Act § 5-4 ,
c) rental of rooms in hotel business etc. as mentioned in the Value Added Tax Act § 5-5 ,
d) the right to attend cinema performances as mentioned in the Value Added Tax Act § 5-6 ,
e) broadcasting services as mentioned in the Value Added Tax Act § 5-7 ,
f) access to exhibitions in museums etc. as mentioned in the Value Added Tax Act § 5-9 ,
g) access to amusement parks, etc. as mentioned in the Value Added Tax Act § 5-10 ,
h) the right to attend sporting events etc. as mentioned in the Value Added Tax Act § 5-11 .


The decision takes effect immediately.



VAT news


  • Zampa (AD)