The UUM&DS system offers to Economic Operators a unified access to a number of supporting IT systems such as UCC Customs Decisions, the Economic Operator System (EOS) – Authorised Economic Operators (AEO), COPIS and the UCC system for Binding Tariff Information (BTI) usage and decision, including central services for electronic submission of declarations.
Designed especially for Economic Operators and their Customs Representatives, the eLearning course on the new EU-wide Uniform User Management and Digital Signatures system (UUM&DS) is now available the Customs & Tax EU Learning Portal.
The UUM&DS system offers to Economic Operators a unified access to a number of supporting IT systems such as UCC Customs Decisions, the Economic Operator System (EOS) – Authorised Economic Operators (AEO), COPIS and the UCC system for Binding Tariff Information (BTI) usage and decision, including central services for electronic submission of declarations.
The main aim of the eLearning module is to ensure ease and fluency in using the UUM&DS.
Upon completion of the course, traders will be able to confidently work with the UUM&DS and carry out delegation, certificate registration and authentication processes within the UUM&DS process flow.
The e-Learning course will allow Economic Operators to become more confident when applying the delegation and roles roles assignments authorisation tasks within the UUM&DS.
Further language versions will be available soon.
To run the course and to get more information, check out the Customs & Tax EU Learning Portal.
Source EU Customs News