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Reduced 5% VAT rate as of 2022 on the sale of books, manuals, newspapers and magazines in electronic format

Reduced advanced VAT rate for digital publications. However, the government has just promised in Brussels not to introduce other VAT-cut quotas

The reduced 5% VAT rate will be applied, starting next year, for the sale of books, manuals, newspapers and magazines in electronic format, including audio, not only for the sale of printed ones, provides a legislative project of the current power. Why it is important: The Fiscal Code currently regulates the application of a reduced rate of 5% VAT  on the tax base for textbooks, books, newspapers and magazines exclusively in printed format.  In 2018, however, a directive was agreed at EU level that allows Member States to apply reduced, very low or zero VAT rates for electronic publications , thus aligning VAT rules for electronic publications with those for physical publications. .


