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Circular 2021/C/39: Covid-19 measures – Extension of the temporary rate reduction for face masks and hydroalcoholic gels up to and including 30.06.2021, ….

This commentary deals with the changes in the field of value added tax introduced by the law of 02.04.2021 on temporary support measures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic (BS 13.04.2021) as well as the changes made by the Royal Decree of 29.03.2021 amending Royal Decrees nos . 1, 4, 24 and 41 with regard to value added tax and containing support measures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic (BS 31.03.2021) to the Royal Decree No. 1 on the abolition of the payment of advances.

Table of contents

1 Introduction

2. Extension of the temporary rate reduction for face masks and hydroalcoholic gels

3. Abolition of article 53o§, § 1, third and fourth paragraph, of the VAT Code and abolition of the December advance

3.1. Deletion of article 53oalties, § 1, third and fourth paragraphs, of the VAT Code

3.2. Abolition of the December advance

4. Temporary reduction in default interest and moratorium interest

4.1. Reduction of the interest set in the VAT Code

4.2. Reduction of the interest determined in the VAT Code (old) as applicable before the entry into force of the law of 26.11.2018

4.3. Reduction of the interest as stipulated in the law of 05.05.1865 on the loan against interest

5. Entry into force

Source fisconetplus



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