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ECJ Customs C-92/20 (Rottendorf Pharma) – Decision – Repayment of Customs Duty In Case Of Re-Export

Rottendorf Pharma claimed inward processing relief but did not present the goods when they were re-exported.  The CJEU has ruled that Rottendorf was not in a “special situation”.

Decision (unofficial translation):

The second indent of Article 239 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 of October 12, 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code is to be interpreted as meaning that, on the one hand, an economic operator can only apply for the reimbursement of customs duties paid by him if there is a special case with him and there is no apparent negligence or fraudulent intent on his part, and on the other hand the fact that the goods in question have been re-exported to a third country without entering the economic cycle of the Union is not sufficient to prove that this economic operator was in a special case. The same applies if the behavior on which the collection of the relevant customs duties is based was caused by an error.

Source Curia



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