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GST: Guide on Imports (Sixth edition)

This e-Tax Guide provides details on GST matters relating to importation of
goods, including GST reporting requirements and various import related
schemes available.

You should read this guide if:
(a) You are GST-registered and import goods for your business; or
(b) You are GST-registered and import goods on behalf of overseas persons.

At a glance
GST upon importation of goods
Generally, all goods (except investment precious metals)
imported into Singapore are subject to GST, regardless of whether the person importing the
goods is GST-registered.

As the importer, you are required to take up the appropriate import permit and
pay GST upon importation of the goods into Singapore unless the goods
qualify for import relief as explained in paragraphs 10.15 to 10.17 or are
investment precious metals.

Computation of GST on imported goods
Import GST is levied on the taxable value, which includes the Cost, Insurance
and Freight (CIF), the customs duty payable (if applicable), commission and
other incidental charges.

You should declare an import payment permit for the importation of dutiable
and non-dutiable goods before bringing them into customs territory

The permit declarations are to be electronically submitted through the TradeNet®
System to Singapore Customs.

You are required to activate your Unique Entity Number (UEN) with Singapore
Customs before making electronic submissions of permits through the
TradeNet® System.



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