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General Directorate of Public Finances submitted to Parliament its report on electronic invoicing

The General Directorate of Public Finances submitted to Parliament its report on electronic invoicing, which presents the solutions envisaged for its deployment. This report was produced following a broad consultation of professionals who will be affected by the reform.

In the finance bill currently being discussed in Parliament, the Government proposes to act on the generalization of electronic invoicing. The National Assembly has already voted in favor of the authorization which will allow the Government to take by ordinance the measures necessary for this reform. This legislative work will be carried out, from the year 2021, in close coordination with the stakeholders.

The main objectives :
📌 Strengthen the competitiveness of businesses by reducing the administrative burden of creating, sending and processing paper invoices and by making commercial relations more secure;
📌 Fighting tax fraud and reducing the VAT gap by means of automated cross-checking;
📌 To enable the knowledge of the activity of companies as they go along in order to encourage a more refined steering of the Government’s actions in terms of economic policy;
📌 Facilitate, in the long term, VAT declarations through pre-remittance;



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