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New deadlines for the submission and payment of monthly and quarterly VAT returns, acceptance of pdf as electronic invoices


a) Until 31 March 2021, invoices in PDF must be accepted, which are considered as electronic invoices for all purposes provided for in the legislation

(b) periodic VAT returns to be submitted within the statutory period provided for in paragraph 1 of the Article 41 (0) of the CIVA be observed:
i) where the monthly scheme is concerned, the declarations to be submitted on November and December 2020, as well as in January, February, March, April and May 2021 can be submitted until the 20th of each month;
ii) Where the quarterly scheme is concerned, the declarations to be submitted in November 2020, as well as in February and May 2021 can also be submitted  by the 20th of each month;
iii) the submission of the tax due resulting from the periodic returns to referred to in the preceding paragraphs may be effected until the 25th day of each month, in any of these VAT schemes.

(c) for inventories:
i) the structure of the file through which it is to be made to the Authority Tax and Customs the communication of inventories, approved by the Ordinance No. 126/2019 of 2 May, enter into force only for the notifications of inventories for 2021 to be made by 31 january of 2022;
ii) the communication of inventories referred to in Article 3a of the Decree- Law no. 198/2012 of 24 August, keep the delivery structure at 2010 (for 2019) for  the reporting of inventories relating to 2020 to be effected by 31 January 2021, for taxable persons who are obliged under the current wording of that article.




VAT news
