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Public consultation on the implementation of E-Commerce Directive till Nov 11. 2020

At the request of the Minister of Finance Vincent Van Peteghem, the FPS Finance is organizing a public consultation and is thus determined to take the path of greater transparency, equal access to basic information and the opportunity to participate in order to ultimately arrive at better regulations.

Although there is no obligation to do so, the FPS Finance is now consulting the public about legislation that will affect businesses and citizens.

It is an experiment that hopefully can be repeated after evaluation. 

The public consultation concerns the conversion of European VAT directives on e-commerce (distance sales) into a Belgian law . VAT is largely a European competence. In 2017 and 2019, Europe issued two VAT directives on e-commerce, among other things, that each member state must convert into its own national legislation. A preliminary draft of the transposition law has currently been finalized. It still has to go through the usual procedures before it is submitted to the Chamber of Representatives for approval.

Source Ministry of Finance


VATIT Compliance


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