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Key Information About SAFT-PT Portugal Declarations

Portugal is one of the European countries that uses SAF-T files for tax reporting and e-invoicing. SAF-T was originally adopted in Portugal in 2008 but was not made mandatory by the Portuguese tax authority until 2013, when all companies were required to communicate invoices and transport documents in the SAF-T format. From that moment every Portuguese company had to adapt their ERPs and accounting software to comply with the SAF-T format and establish an automated communication channel with the tax authority (Direcção Geral de Contribuições e Impostos (DGCI)).

The Portuguese Tax Authority recognizes three distinct SAF-T document in the Portuguese schema called SAFT-PT: Invoicing, Accounting and Transport Documents.

The SAFT-PT accounting document will become mandatory in 2021.

Source: Edicom


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