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Top 10 Most viewed articles on Sept 2020 & in 2020 year-to-date


TOP 10 Most visited pages on

Sept 2020

  1. India – GSTIN – Check GST Verification Number, GST No. Search Online
  2. Ireland cuts VAT rate from 23 to 21%
  3. India – TCS (Tax collected at source) on Sale of Goods as of Oct 1, 2020
  4. DAC7- European Commission targets digital platforms and sharing services
  5. Fighting coronavirus: Zero-rated VAT for face masks, sanitisers in UAE
  6. ECJ C–509/19 (BMW vs. DE) – Judgment – Value of ‘free’ software to be added to the Customs Value of Imported electronic products
  7. EU: In which countries do UK entities have to appoint a fiscal representative after the Brexit?
  8. ECJ C-528/19 (Mitteldeutsche Hartstein-Industrie AG) – Judgment – Deduction of input tax for construction work on public roads
  9. India – Compliance Calendar for the month of September 2020
  10. Portugal – Invoice requirements – ATCUD and QR code

TOP 10 Most visited pages on in 2020 year-to-date

  1. Germany – Standard VAT rate reduced from 19 to 16 percent and reduced tax rate will drop from 7 to 5 percent between July 1 and Dec 31, 2020
  2. Ireland cuts VAT rate from 23 to 21%
  3. EU: In which countries do UK entities have to appoint a fiscal representative after the Brexit?
  4. India – GSTIN – Check GST Verification Number, GST No. Search Online
  5. Updated guidance on EC Sales Listing submission following Quick Fix for Call Off Stock
  6. EU VAT Directive 2006/112/EC effective as of Jan 1, 2020
  7. ECJ case C-43/19 (Vodafone Portugal) – Judgment – Termination fees subject to VAT?
  8. How does the Coronavirus impact the VAT/GST world?
  9. EU VAT – Implementation of the EU VAT Quick Fixes – Status update Jan 2, 2020
  10. HMRC Guidance – VAT: reduced rate for hospitality, holiday accommodation and attractions



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