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ECJ back from holidays, cases on the agenda in September

Thursday 10/09/2020

Opinion in C-449/19 WEG Tevesstraße by Advocate General Bobek.
This case is about the VAT exemption for supplies of heat by owners’ associations for owners.
Previous posts about this case can be found HERE.

Wednesday 16/09/2020

Judgment in C-312/19 – Valstybinė mokesčių inspekcija
This case is about a partnership, termination, who is liable, and to what extent?
Previous posts about this case can be found HERE.

Judgment in C-528/19 Mitteldeutsche Hartstein-Industrie
This case is about the deduction of input tax for construction work on public roads.
Previous posts about this case can be found HERE

Thursday 17/09/2020

Judgment in C-791/18 Stichting Schoonzicht
Is the Dutch revision scheme for capital goods in line with the EU VAT Directive?
Previous posts about this case can be found HERE

Opinion in C-288/19 Finanzamt Saarbrücken by Advocate General Szpunar
This case is about the definition of short term hiring of vehicles.
Previous posts about this case can be found HERE

Hearing in case C-801/19 Franck
This case is about the VAT exemption for financial activities
Previous posts about this case can be found HERE


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