Below you will find all items we published in the past week.
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- A Data Foundation for Tax Automation
- COVID-19: Global measures (65 countries) taken on VAT rate reductions, exemptions and donations (Status Aug 5, 2020)
- COVID-19: Why real-time visibility is a game changer for supply chains
- Global overview of future e-invoicing, e-filing and real time reporting – upcoming changes (Status Aug 7, 2020)
- ICC suggests principles to authorities to implement a CTC system (E-invoicing/Real-Time Reporting)
- Interview Anbreen Khan/Liesbet Nevelsteen (Deloitte) – expected changes for Indirect Tax within EMEA and their business impact
- KPMG Announces Global Tax Services Arrangement with HP
- Moving towards the new trend: E-Invoicing
- OECD Issues Report on New Challenges and Opportunities for Tax Administrations Emerging in Responses to COVID-19
- OECD report forecasts falling tax revenues in Asian and Pacific Economies as a result of COVID-19 pandemic
- OECD Taxation Working Papers: Reassessing the regressivity of the VAT
- Reassessing the regressivity of the VAT
- The future of Indirect Taxes – Lessons from a global pandemic
- The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic Crisis on the VAT Framework
- Top 10 Most viewed articles on July 2020 & in 2020 year-to-date
- UN Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters Releases Draft Tax Treaty Article on Taxation of Automated Digital Services
- Circular 2020/C/99 about Incoterms 2020
- Technical specifications on low value declarations
- VAT considerations for services provided by Belgian companies to UK customers
- Bulgarian Parliament Considering Reduced VAT Rate for Beer and Wine, Tourist Services, and Sports Facilities
- Ministry of Finance Announces Amendments Concerning Documenting of Cash Sales
- Cyprus Implements Quick Fixes Provisions
- Important Amendments in Cyprus VAT Law incl. Non-resident taxpayers – VAT registration obligation without threshold
- Composite Supplies under EU VAT: Closer Encounters of the Third Kind?
- ECJ C-269/20 (Finanzamt T) Questions: VAT group a separate “entity”? Free of charge (public) activities by VAT group
- ECJ C-324/20 (Finanzamt B) Questions: Tax point for one-off services that are billed in phases
- Flashback on ECJ cases – Input VAT recovery of corporate restructurings
- Flashback on ECJ cases – Right to deduct VAT is a cornerstone of the EU VAT system
- Flashback on ECJ Cases – RR Donnelley Global Turnkey Solutions Poland sp. z o.o., (C-155/12) – Services related to Real Estate – Warehousing…
- Flashback on ECJ cases: C-183/14 Salomie and Oltean – Reclassification by the national tax authority of a transaction as an economic activity…
- Interview with Prof. Dr. Dr. Juliane Kokott, Advocate General at the CJEU
- 5 quick wins for optimum VAT refunds
- A new tax is coming. This is how the EU wants to fight the overproduction of plastic
- Communication on “Tax Good Governance in the EU and Beyond”
- Council of the European Union Adopts New Excise Duty Rules on Alcohol
- DAC6 deferral – 25 EU Member States grant deferral for reporting – AT, FI and GE do not ….
- Death of the European VAT return – Country-by-Country guide to digital transaction reporting sweeping through Europe
- EORI – what is worth knowing
- EU plans to improve the Margin Scheme for Travel Agents
- EU plastic tax plans criticised by European plastics industry
- EU will implement a non-recycled plastic packaging waste tax as of Jan 1, 2021. What are the EU Member States doing?
- European Commission Amends UCC Delegated and Implementing Act
- New EU Tax Package: VAT Priorities
- New EU VAT E-commerce rules delayed till July 1, 2021 – New regulations etc published in the Official Gazette of the EU
- VAT implications of a virtual event
- Regulations on distance sales to be revised
- Mini-One-Stop-Shop becomes a One-Stop-Shop
- VAT exemptions in the healthcare / nursing care / social services sector
- Implementation of a decentralised taxation procedure for federal and state governments
- OSS for all services to non-taxable persons – in particular passenger transportation
- New VAT exemption for supplies to the armed forces
- Reverse Charge Procedure for Telecommunications Services
- Cross-border price reductions within a supply chain
- Clarification: Incoterms not relevant for import VAT recovery
- E-Invoicing in Germany: Challenges, triumphs and everything in between
- E-invoicing in the federal administration
- German finance minister opposes extension of VAT cut
- German VAT cut drives demand for new cars
- Germany – Temporary decrease of VAT rates in the second half of 2020
- No entrepreneurial status of chairmen of the board of directors: First Finance Court implements ECJ case law
- Postal services: Formal delivery of documents is VAT-exempt
- Residence abroad: Small business regulation is not applicable
- Amendements of the VAT triangulation simplification
- Beneficial provision on e-invoices
- Determination of the taxable value between relatives and / or related persons
- Greece Extends Customs and VAT Exemption on Imported Goods for COVID-19
- Greece introduces new tax dispute resolution mechanisms
- Incorporation of provisions for the simplification of certain rules in the VAT system (quick fixes)
- MyData Frequently Asked Questions
- Triangulation: Amendment of the intra-community acquisition of goods provisions
- Clarification 238: Online sale of goods after customs export and storage in a non-EU VAT warehouse
- Clarification 239: Sale of tools for cutting and working marble and stone
- Clarification 240: VAT exemption for retirement homes
- EC allows Italy to extend its Split Payment programme until 30 June 2023
- Incentives for payments with cards and debit cards to minimize tax evasion
- Norwegian businesses can register for VAT without the need of appointing a local representative
- Ruling Answer No. 208: Clarifications on VAT Exemption of Supplies of Medical Services
- Tax Authorities Issue Clarifications on Place of Supply Rules for Goods Supplied Through Distribution Systems
- Top 5 VAT developments in Malta for the period January – June 2020
- VAT payments covering March to August 2020 have been extended from 31 October 2020 to 31 May 2021
- Budget services to mentally disabled clients are not exempt from VAT
- Businesses can submit VAT Returns late due to technical failure of tax authorities website
- Dutch government published the proposed VAT legislation of the implementation of the VAT E-commerce Directive
- Extension of processing period for objections for sales tax
- Extension of processing period for VAT appeals
- Participating in other company is not enough to get included in VAT group
- What are the main rules for the deductibility of VAT on food and drinks?
- Brexit: Government pledges £355m to ease GB-NI trade
- Commission proposes to amend VAT rules to accommodate trade with Northern Ireland after the transition period
- Moving goods under the Northern Ireland Protocol (Update Aug 7)
- Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE amending Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of value added tax as regards the identification of…
- Changes to the VAT rates matrix in Poland
- Companies have a problem with the new VAT rates in particular to contracts concluded before the change in tax rates
- Plans to apply to the European Commission for consent to reduce VAT on newspapers, magazines and books
- Supreme Administrative Court – VAT taxation of subsidies for projects implemented by local government units
- Tax office will be able to impose a fine of PLN 500 for each error in the new JPK _VAT
- The tax office explained how to apply the VAT regulations on COVID-19
- VAT carousel stopped
- Annual electronic VAT ledgers delayed until 15 Septermber.
- COVID-19: VAT credits for small businesses will be refunded within 15 days of the submission of the VAT return
- Decree-Law No. 48/2020: Procedures to be adopted with regard to the submission of the SAF-T file related to accounting
- Details published on submission of Accounting SAF-T (PT) file
- Portugal publishes final legislation to implement Mandatory Disclosure Rules
- Limitation of general VAT exemption for software licenses, new tax regime for the IT industry
- Update on VAT developments (July 2020)
- VAT exemption available for certain software and database providers
- COVID-19: Zero VAT rate for sanitary products is extended to 31 October 2020
- Non-established VAT taxpayers will be entitled to VAT refunds related to the UEFA Women´s Champions League 2020
- Spanish Lower House Approves Draft Bills for Digital Services Tax and Financial Transactions Tax
- Electronically supplied services: SFTA updates its VAT guidelines
- VAT: Extension of the export period in tourist traffic
- Amendments In VAT Rates In Some Service Sectors
- Turkish VAT on Electronically Supplied Services (ESS) FAQ
- VAT rate reduction for selected goods & services from 18 to 8% till Dec 31, 2020
- VAT rate reductions for certain services (COVID-19)
- ‘Eat Out’ Scheme VAT Trap
- All Answers: agency, VAT and online essay answers – UT
- Brexit – Overview of the recent developments, guidances, letters of notice, etc. (Update Aug 6, 2020)
- Check when you can account for import VAT on your VAT Return
- Complete your VAT Return to account for import VAT
- Customs representatives must be UK established from 1 January 2021
- Departure from retained EU case law by UK courts and tribunals – consultation
- Ensure interaction between VAT and Eat Out to Help Out is understood, ICAEW urges
- EORI after January 1, 2021
- Existing UK trade agreements with non-EU countries
- Exporting to Vietnam from 1 January 2021
- Freight transport and associated services (VAT Notice 744B)
- Government urged to scrap VAT on all school uniforms to give parents a Brexit bonus
- Guidance: Zero rating books and printed matter (VAT Notice 701/10)
- HMRC extends MTD for all VAT registered businesses to 2022
- HMRC internal manual VAT Supply and Consideration
- HMRC policy on lease changes
- List of customs agents and fast parcel operators from 1 January 2021
- Never underestimate the benefits of Tax Dispute Resolution when dealing with HMRC
- New VAT Rules for Online Marketplaces and Imports of Goods into the UK
- Public consultation on Carbon Emissions Tax
- Revenue and Customs Brief 11 (2020): VAT and Stamp Duty Land Tax when existing leases between landlords and tenants are varied
- UK government is building a £200 million system to handle customs declarations for Northern Irish businesses after Brexit
- UK HMRC Publishes Updates to DST Manual Concerning Returns, Self-Assessment, Notification of Meeting Threshold, and Cross-Border…
- VAT payments on account
- VAT rate changes: Impact on vouchers
- VBOOKS: guidance on VAT on e-publications
- What to do if you hold an invalid VAT invoice?
- Whether a person “in business”. The Y4 Express Ltd case
- Who will Ultimately Pay the Digital Services Tax in the UK? Amazon Passes the Cost Along to Sellers
- Contracts reporting requirement
- Deadline for filing Tax/Zakat and VAT Returns during the Eid holidays
- Price tags displayed on products must include VAT: Ministry
- Export of Service – Impact on Tax Treatment by Changing OR to AND
- How New Amendment on VAT Executive Regulations Impact Exported Services?
- Is Ship Chartering a taxable supply ?
- Refund for Business Visitors Guide
- UAE publishes VAT Public Clarification on zero-rating of export of services
- UAE VAT Input Tax Apportionment
- Zero-rating of export of services
- Supreme Decree on Economic Reactivation in Light of COVID-19
- Tax Administration Introduces Online Invoicing System – Mandatory as of 2021?
- VAT merged consolidated tax regime for small businesses to support them during the COVID-19 epidemic
- Brazil may reduce proposed 12% VAT if it raises overall tax burden – economy minister
- Brazil proposal requires foreign digital platforms to collect new consumption tax
- Brazil’s tax reform proposal would affect taxpayers participating in certain special regimes, including customs incentives
- Government is now considering taxing online transactions at 0.4%
- VAT on royalties and digital platforms/marketplace could affect technology, media & entertainment, and telecom sectors
- Costa Rica Publishes Resolution Providing Delay in Collection of VAT on Cross-Border Digital Services to October 2020
- VAT on cross-border digital services; credit, debit card issuers
- 12% VAT on digital services from 16 September 2020
- Ecuador issues regulations on VAT on digital services
- COVID-19 surcharges subject to South Carolina sales tax
- Lincoln Council Calls 1% Sales Tax Special Election
- Nine States to Hold Sales Tax Holidays August 7-9, 2020
- Sales tax holiday: What’s exempt this weekend
- Tennessee restaurant sales tax holiday this weekend
- U.S. will reimpose tariffs on aluminum imports from Canada
- US imposes 10% punitive tariff on Canadian-origin aluminum; Canada announces countermeasures in response
- When contemplating construction services makes them taxable
- ATO releases its GST Governance, Data Testing and Transaction Testing guide
- GST and grants
- How GST reform can help reboot prosperity for Australia
- Options for reforming Goods and Services Tax (GST) in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Tax governance guide which includes GST
- China’s Incentives for Integrated Circuit, Software Enterprises
- EU Wants China to Explore Cooperation to Fight VAT Fraud
- 3 Years of GST- A recap on 30 relevant Landmark Judgments – Part I
- A2ZTaxCorp’s Weekly GST Communique dated August 03, 2020
- Does India’s GST System Need a Complete Overhaul?
- GST on Goods Transport Service by Road
- GST returns with new features to be launched next month
- GST: Work Contracts are applicable on Immovable Property, where Goods and Services aren’t distinct, says AAR
- GSTR 1 and 3B to be linked to determine input tax credit and liability
- India updates e-invoicing scope and JSON schema
- Indian Subsidiary Company providing Services to Foreign Parent Company is Export of Services
- ITAT: Pharma co’s expenses towards freebies for docs can be claimed as deductions
- Prime Minister’s Office asks finance ministry to explain the GST payout mess
- Software sold without any customisation specific to customer, qualifies as supply of goods: KA AAR
- Validity of Invoice without Signature for ITC (Input Tax Credit) availment
- Whether Hygiene Kit Can Be Classified As a Composite Or a Mixed Supply
- Indonesia imposes VAT on imported digital supplies
- Indonesia starts digital VAT tax on 6 companies
- VAT centralization rules updated