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Tool for mass validation of VAT numbers

One the Quick Fixes implemented on Jan 1, 2020 was about a substantative requirement to have a correct VAT number of your customer to be able to exempt an Intra-Community Supply of Goods

Perhaps the most accurate way to ensure the validity of the VAT number is to have validated through VIES (VAT Information Exchange System). VIES only allows to check one VAT number per consultation. Therefore, tools are being developped to do a mass validation of VAT numbers.

In case you add your own VAT number, you will get a consultation number to be kept on file. This can be used as proof towards tax authorities the VAT number has been validated.

Please feel free to send e-mail to [email protected] to get a copy of the EU VAT number validation tool  (Excel)





VATIT Compliance


  • vatcomsult