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Ministry of Finance confirms postponing the date of entry into force of the new JPK_VAT with the declaration


Unofficial translation:

New JPK_VAT with a declaration for all entrepreneurs from July 1, 2020.

The Ministry of Finance informs about postponing the date of entry into force of the new JPK_VAT with the declaration

  • The entry into force of the new JPK_VAT with the declaration (JPK_V7K and JPK_V7M) for large entrepreneurs has been postponed to July 1, 2020.
  • Thus, the deadline for starting a new production environment (API) for shipping JPK is postponed.
  • Sending JPK_VAT files until the new gate is launched will be carried out according to the existing rules.

As part of the so-called The Anti-Crisis Shield, signed by the President of the Republic of Poland on March 31 this year, changes were introduced to the provisions of the Act on tax on goods and services. Moved, among others the date of entry into force of the new JPK_VAT with declaration for large enterprises on 1 July 2020.

This influences the date of launching the new production environment (API) for shipping JPK and disabling existing production environments, including the MF interface (micro JPK). This means that the JPK_VAT files will be sent until the new gate is launched on the current basis.

Also at a later date we will provide free tools for sending new files in the form of an interactive form and JPK Customer.

We will inform you about new dates of issuing the changed production environment for sending files and giving free tools.


VAT news
