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Key measures to ease COVID-19-related burdens on business: VAT return filing and payment due dates extended

Saudi Arabia’s General Authority for Zakat and Tax (GAZT) has announced a number of key measures to ease COVID-19-related burdens on business.

  • VAT: return filing dates will be postponed until 30 June, 31 July, 31 August, 30 September for the February, March, April and May VAT periods.
  • Excise: payments due on goods imported during the postponement period can be delayed but the importer must submit monthly temporary returns to GAZT.
  • WHT: filing dates for submission of returns are now 10 July, August and September for the March, April and May period
  • Delay penalties: taxpayers are exempted from delay penalties for the submission of returns and the associated payments for all taxes mentioned above that fall due within the period starting from 18 March to 30 June 2020
  • Payments suspended: payments due such as delay and amendments penalties are suspended
  • Refund payments: refunds due to taxpayers are to be expedited.




VAT news
