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How does the Coronavirus impact the VAT/GST world? Update 16 March 2020



Here’s a quick summary of what we see happening around the globe in respect of COVID-19 (in chronological order)

SINGAPORECoronavirus: Singapore customs reminds travellers to pay GST for surgical masks, sanitisers brought back in bulk

CHINAChina waiving import duties on certain emergency vehicles, medical supplies

SPAINCoronavirus takes bite out of Spanish VAT collection

WORLDEmergency tax breaks to support stuttering economies under the Coronavirus (COVID) threat

CAMBODIATax relief for garment, tourism sectors

MALTACoronavirus: PN proposes VAT suspension on tourism accommodation

MALAYSIAEconomic Stimulus Package 2020 including Indirect Tax measures

WORLDWorld turns to VAT cuts on Coronavirus threat

DENMARKDenmark will allow a delay in payment of VAT    Deadline postponed for submission and payment

POLANDCommunication Polish government on delay to implement JPK (VAT return)

WORLDWorld turns to emergency tax breaks to support stuttering economies under the coronavirus (Covid-19) threat

POLANDDelays of new SAF-T extension until July 2020 due to Coronavirus

THAILANDThailand’s economic fundamentals strong despite virus, no VAT cut – finmin

SWEDENCorona crisis, proposed measures from the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and measures by Swedish govt

POLANDHow is Poland going to “treat” coronavirus among companies?

AUSTRALIAGovernment announces business support measures in response to the Coronavirus

INDONESIAIndonesia announces new tax measures to fight impact of coronavirus

WORLDVAT—Fiscal Tool of Choice in Coronavirus Downturn

NETHERLANDSCorona measures: businesses may postpone paying VAT to the authorities

BELGIUM: Ccompanies that can prove that they have payment difficulties as a result of the corona crisis can defer VAT payment


If there are developments in your country that are not yet listed, please let us know.


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