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Quick fixes or “quick changes” soon

Quick fixes czyli „szybkie zmiany” już niebawem
Unofficial translation:
The long-awaited bill to amend the VAT Act was published on the website of the Government Legislation Center on June 24, 2019. Public consultations were completed and the draft is currently at the stage of further work at the Ministry of Finance. It can be assumed that the draft will soon be adopted by the Council of Ministers and submitted to the Sejm for the first meetings after the holidays.

The aim of the project is to implement into the Polish legal order the provisions of the amended Council Directive 2006/112 regarding primarily the introduction of uniform rules for taxation of consignment warehouses (call-offs) and chain transactions.


That is why these “quick changes” are so important and that is why in the next blog entries we will analyze each of the proposed changes separately.


VAT news
