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Overcoming Barriers to Cross Border Selling | Meridian

Overcoming Barriers to Cross Border Selling | Meridian.

Last year PayPal and Nielsen teamed up to conduct a study on cross border ecommerce. According to the report, in five markets there are more than 100 million cross border shoppers. The markets in question are the US, UK, China, Brazil and Australia. They concluded that cross border ecommerce will double to almost $400 billion in five years. In 2013 it stood at approximately $190 billion. However at the recent US National Retail Federation Annual Summitattended by Meridian Global Services, businesses were still asking lots of questions about cross border ecommerce. Sellers were asking questions such as “how do I boost my sales”, “which online channels should I use”, “who will buy my products in which markets?”

It struck me also that challenges still exist especially around the areas of payments, customs, duties and taxes. With programmes such as Fulfilment by Amazon, questions surrounding VAT surfaced. Fortunately Meridian Global Services has compiled a lot of partner resources to help answer questions.  Visit the Cross Border Resource Hub and learn more about overcoming barriers to international selling.

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VAT news
VATIT Compliance
